Sales calls aren’t necessarily ‘a must’ before pitching your offer

It really surprises me how many coaches insist on getting me on a sales call before they will tell me more about their program.

Just the other day, I had a chat with someone over DM, whose high-ticket offer I was definitely interested in.

But instead of answering my questions, they kept insisting on “jumping” on a Zoom call.

Which I don’t enjoy.

Leaving aside the timezone differences, I simply don’t want to add another fixed time commitment into my diary – I use the time I have to show up for my clients 100%.

(And I will gladly “hop” on a call with them whenever they are stuck.)

The point of this post is not to slate sales calls (I have friends who LOVE them) but to point out that there really is no one-size-fits-all.

And when you sell to CORPORATE clients, offering customized, tailored programs that are really dialled into solving their specific challenges, this is when you can make the big bucks.

Such as 15k for 3x90min sessions. Or 4k for a 2hr Zoom workshop. Or 24k for 12 monthly 1hr sessions (those are actual results my clients have achieved).

The fastest way to get those kinds of results is to shoot me a DM.

We can then have a chat (via DM or Zoom – whatever your preference 😉 ) to figure out if your offer is right for corporates, what your income potential is and what path is best for you to get results.

Picture of Miriam


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Miriam Gilbert, founder of Impactfulness Lab, smiling

About Me

With more than 20years experience as a corporate decision-maker and CFO, 8+years running my own 6-figure consultancy I KNOW exactly what goes on in corporate mindsets – and how to sneak into their brain, charm their mind and get them to throw their budget at you.

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