The top 3 Mistakes People Make When Trying To Land Corporate Clients – Part 1

Corporate clients present a huge income and impact opportunity for coaches, consultants, speakers and other small business experts, but I frequently see people make mistakes in these 3 areas that make it hard for them to land corporate clients:

1 – They don’t understand (and apply) the 3-dimensional aspect of niching for corporates

2- They mistake who inside of corporates will buy their offers

3 – They miscommunicate the outcome their work provides (and often do that on TWO levels)

Let’s start with the most common stumbling block:

In-depth niching for corporates

When you are working with individuals or very small businesses (1-5 employees), the question of niching is relatively straightforward.

You ask WHO you want to work with, WHAT type of person or business is best placed to get great results with you, WHY they want those results, HOW you can help them and WHERE they are in their journey to get the best results (this is of course just a VERY high-level summary, experts who help people define their niche will go much deeper).

The point is that while you are asking all these questions when working with corporates, you also need to go a step further.

So how do you go a step further?

Here, you need to identify a specific industry to communicate to. This means, not just offering your services to “executives” or “senior directors” but nailing down in what industry these people work, e.g. are they in manufacturing, financial services, or retail?

The reason is that all industries believe they are special and that their challenges are unique. That means, they need an expert in THEIR industry – not a generalist.

I learned long ago that it is pointless to tell them that a burn-out executive in a big bank has similar challenges to that of a retail consortium and instead I focus my efforts to tailor my communication to the very industry I am targeting at any particular point.

There is another aspect of this point and that’s about the type of people you should be contacting – watch out for tomorrow’s post on that topic 😉

What I can offer you

In my 1:1 mentoring programs, I guide you through this maze – and that’s just one of the many things we do.

As an example, if you are new to working with corporates, following my approach you should be able to generate 2-3 conversations with prospects per week, typically starting in email/LinkedIn messenger, then moving to discovery calls and closing 1-2 new clients per month @$5k-$15k while delivering repeat work at $8k-$25k+.

If you are already working with large business clients, I can help you build the structures and processes that lift your income by 50-200% depending on your starting position.

I approach all my 1:1 programs the same way as my corporate consulting programs, so I customize them to your needs.

Timeframes can range from single-day VIP Strategy Sessions to varying intensity 3, 6, or 12-month programs, starting at £3k/month. If you’re interested, the next step is to DM me and we’ll have a chat to see if it’s a good match for your business.

Picture of Miriam


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Miriam Gilbert, founder of Impactfulness Lab, smiling

About Me

With more than 20years experience as a corporate decision-maker and CFO, 8+years running my own 6-figure consultancy I KNOW exactly what goes on in corporate mindsets – and how to sneak into their brain, charm their mind and get them to throw their budget at you.

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