A non-comprehensive list of Coaching and Consulting services that corporates buy

A non-comprehensive list of 44 types of coaches & consultants corporates are desperate for:

1 Mindset 

2 Sleep 

3 Executive 

4 Leadership 

5 Productivity 

6 High-Performance 

7 Career 

8 Organizational 

9 Relationship 

10 Parenting 

11 Personal Development 

12 Confidence 

13 Strategy 

14 Wellness 

15 Group Dynamics

16 Team Collaboration

17 Success Mindset

18 Happiness 

19 Empowerment 

20 Emotional intelligence

21 Mental Health 

22 Transformation 

23 Environmental

24 Intuitive 

25 Behavioral 

26 Personal Growth

27 Inspirational/Motivational

28 Life-Transition 

29 Sustainability

30 Self-Love Coaching

31 Diversity & Inclusion

32 Employee engagement

33 Resilience

34 Navigating Change

35 Communication

36 Conflict resolution

37 Storytelling

38 Nutrition

39 Boundary setting

40 Stress

41 Mindfulness

42 Creativity

43 Problem Solving

44 Heart-centered Leadership

PLUS “every-skill-you-can-imagine” coaching or consulting

In short: if what you do helps humans do better in any part of their life, there is a good chance that good* companies and leaders want to work with you. 

*don’t work with any others #neverworkwithshittyclients

Are you on the list?

Picture of Tatyana


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Miriam Gilbert, founder of Impactfulness Lab, smiling

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With more than 20years experience as a corporate decision-maker and CFO, 8+years running my own 6-figure consultancy I KNOW exactly what goes on in corporate mindsets – and how to sneak into their brain, charm their mind and get them to throw their budget at you.

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